Dora Saves Snow Princess the Angry Birds Movie Baby Birds

Dora Saves the Snow Princess
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Airdate Tuesday, September 30, 2008 (DVD)
Monday, November 3, 2008 (Nickelodeon)
Season 5
Episode 7
Written by Chris Gifford
Previous Bark, Bark to Play Park
Next The Mayan Adventure

Dora Saves the Snow Princess is a Dora the Explorer TV special. It's also the 7th episode from season 5 and the first out of the three episodes from the Magic Storybook Trilogy.


  • Dora
  • Boots
  • Backpack
  • Map
  • Swiper
  • Fiesta Trio
  • Benny
  • Isa
  • Tico
  • Pirate Pig
  • Pirate Piggies
  • Sabrina the Snow Princess (debut)
  • Paj (debut)
  • Snow Fairy (debut)
  • Snow Creatures (debut)
  • Witch
  • Baby Penguins


A Snowflake Fairy urgently needs Dora's help to save the snow princess from a tower before all the snow in the forest melts. An icy sea snake, a grumpy polar bear, and a mean witch that hates snow, slow them down in their tracks. Dora and the Snow Fairy also get help from Benny, Isa, Tico, Boots, and the viewer (though mainly the latter two).


Dora, Boots and their friends were going to read a story. The friends wanted a story that had a witch, a snow fairy and a snow princess. Dora had a story just like that. Dora starts reading the story. The story starts with a young girl named Sabrina who lived in a forest where it never snows. She dreamed about living in a place filled with snow. Boots thought Sabrina looked like Dora. Meanwhile, Sabrina heard someone calling for help. Sabrina saw a white dove caught in a cage. Sabrina runs up to the white dove and the white dove said "the witch caught me in this trap and no one will free me because they're all afraid of her. Sabrina thought that she could free the white dove and so she did. The white dove was set free. The white dove had a surprise for Sabrina. The white dove told her to look behind the bush with purple fruit. A gust of wind blows that bush away to reveal something stuck in the ground. Sabrina tried to pull it out herself but needed help. She asks the viewer to help pull. Sabrina pulls out a crystal stuck in the ground. The white dove tells Sabrina to smile into the crystal. Sabrina did so and something amazing happened. The forest turned snowy and Sabrina got a gorgeous dress. Sabrina wondered what was happening. The white dove explained that the forest was under a spell which could only be broken by someone who's brave and kind. The white dove flew up into the sky, spreads its wings and turns into a snowflake fairy. The snowflake fairy returns and tells Sabrina that she would be the snow princess. Sabrina the Snow Princess was amazed and never knew there was so much to smile about. She was so happy that she decided to sing about the magic snowy forest. The viewer sees a penguin skating on the ice, a polar bear behind a tree and a butterfly up in the sky. After the song, the Snow Princess traveled further down the snowy forest until she saw someone in the sky. She saw a witch. The witch was not happy about the snowy forest and how the snow princess was. The witch swooped down and took the crystal away. The witch made a mean face into the crystal and the magic snowy forest started to melt. The witch didn't like snow. All of the snowy animals and snow figures wanted to know where the Snow Princess was. They looked up, down and all around. They asked snow fairy to search for her. Snow fairy was running out of time. Snow Fairy looked up and talks to who thought was the snow princess was really Dora. Snow Fairy didn't know where the snow princess was. Boots told Snow Fairy that she was in the tower. The others said that the mean witch put her there. Snow Fairy was determined to find the snow princess but he couldn't do this alone. Dora and her friends told Snow Fairy that they'll help him. She asked the viewer if he/she wants to help them and the viewer accepted her request. So, Dora and her friends jumped into the storybook. Once there, they had to dress warm because it was a snowy forest. Dora, Boots, Benny, Isa and Tico didn't know how to get to the snow princess locked in the tower. So they ask Map for assistance. He tells them that they have to go across the ocean, past the snow hills, through the cave to find the Snow Princess locked in the tower. Map warns them to watch out for the witch who hates snow. Dora and her friends along with Snow Fairy got going to save the Snow Princess. They need a way to get down the snowy hill to the ocean. They find a sleigh. Benny decided that he can pull it. They all jumped in and had to remember they're saving the Snow Princess and what places they have to pass through before they can get there. They have to go across the ocean, past the snow hills, through the cave to save the Snow Princess in the tower. After the travel tune, they hear Swiper the fox. Dora thought Swiper will try and swipe Snow Fairy. They all stop Swiper and then he runs away. Boots jumped up and down on the sleigh and didn't know he was going down with it. Boots calls the friends for help. And they catch up to him but couldn't keep up. Boots tries to tell the sleigh to slow down. The sleigh went: "¿que?". Boots wonders if the sleigh speaks Spanish. Dora asks the viewer if the sleigh spoke English or Spanish. The viewer tells Dora that the sleigh spoke Spanish because it said "¿Que?", which is Spanish for "What?". Dora had to get the viewer to tell Boots to tell the sleigh "Mas despacio" to get the sleigh to slow down. The viewer does so and Boots tells the sleigh "mas despacio" and the sleigh responds "yes" in Spanish. The sleigh slows down and everybody jumped into the sleigh with Boots. The sleigh reaches the bottom of the hill. After the sleigh ride, they needed a way to get across the ocean. Suddenly, the viewer points out to a pirate ship. Dora and her friends noticed that on the pirate ship were the pirate pigs. They all call out simultaneously. Pirate Pig calls out and drives the pirate ship to collect Dora and her friends. After they all boarded the pirate ship, it was time to set sail across the ocean. The witch saw a pirate boat sailing across the ocean. The witch put a stop to that. She decided to make an icy sea snake appear. She waves her wand once and nothing happened. She tries again and then the icy sea snake appeared. The witch flies away with her broomstick which didn't work well in the cold. Everybody saw the icy sea snake. Pirate Pig told them not to worry and said that all sea snakes are afraid of pirates. Pirate Pig explained that if an icy sea snake pops up to try and scare them, they all have to say "argh!". Pirate Pig sings out a tune about the icy sea snake. Every time they said "argh!" the icy sea snake disappears into the ocean. They said "argh!" faster and faster until the icy sea snake was completely gone. After that, they ask the viewer "who are we saving?" and the viewer responds with them by saying "La Princesa". Boots wondered if they'll make it across the ocean. Pirate Pig tells him not to worry as long they don't bump into icebergs. Suddenly, the pirate boat bumps into an iceberg and Boots gets knocked off the pirate boat and floats away on an ice floe which is a piece of ice that floats. Dora had to catch up to Boots. Dora jumps onto an ice floe. But then, it starts melting and needed a bigger one. Dora jumps onto the next biggest ice floe and it starts melting too. Dora jumps onto the next biggest ice floe and as it starts melting she jumps onto the next biggest one and catches up to Boots and together they completely get across to the side. Snow Fairy was so worried about Boots, but Boots tells Snow Fairy that he was OK. After getting across the ocean, Snow Fairy, Dora & Boots reach the snow hills.

Boots stands on a snow hill and jumps up and down. The witch saw Dora & Boots down below and were still trying to save Sabrina the Snow Princess. The witch decides to turn the snow hill into a polar bear. The witch waves her wand once and nothing happened; she waves her wand and turned the snow hill into a polar bear As Boots was still jumping up and down, he stops and thought that the snow hill moved. The Snow Fairy knew the witch did something to it. Dora asked the viewer if it was still a snow hill and it wasn't. Then Dora asks what the witch turned the snow hill into. The viewer tells them, a polar bear. Boots asked if the polar bear was happy or angry. The polar bear was angry and it caused Dora & Boots to run. Dora & Boots saw an Inuit town and hopes someone there will help Dora & Boots get away from the polar bear. Sure enough, there was someone. Her name was Paj and was driving a dogsled. Paj urges them to "jump on". Paj leans the dogsled to the right and the polar bear was still after them. Next, Paj leans the dogsled to the left. Boots wondered if the polar bear was still coming and he was. Paj had to lean the snow sled far to the right and then the polar bear gave up and then Dora & Boots thanked for Paj for helping them get away from the polar bear. Dora & Boots had Snow Fairy. Paj never met a snow fairy before. After getting past the snow hills, Paj gives Dora & Boots a ride to the cave. After that, Dora & Boots thanked Paj again and Paj drives the dogsled away as Dora & Boots wave goodbye. (Paj went back for Benny, Isa and Tico) After the dogsled ride, wind started blowing. Snow Fairy went "whoa" as he gets pushed by the wind. The wind blows Snow Fairy into the cave. Dora & Boots called out: "snow fairy" and started entering the cave. Boots said "we've got to find him" and his voice echoes. When Dora called out "snow fairy!" her voice echoes. Dora and Boots noticed that whenever they shout out inside the cave, their voices echo. Dora and Boots called out to Snow Fairy together. They both said "snow fairy!" and their voices echoed. They called out again. Snow Fairy calls out from afar. Dora & Boots looked around for Snow Fairy. They find him up high on the stalactite. Snow Fairy was OK. Boots noticed Snow Fairy was getting smaller. Dora tells Boots that he's melting. Dora & Boots had to get Snow Fairy and themselves out of the cave and rescue Snow Princess. The viewer found a way out for Dora, Boots and Snow Fairy. They go in the direction the viewer pointed out and made it out of the cave. All that's left to do is rescue Snow Princess. The Witch couldn't wait for the snowy forest to disappear because she hated snow. Dora & Boots had to get down the hill which still has some snow on it down to the bottom to reach the tower. Dora looks in her backpack for something she and Boots can use to get down the hill. Backpack had something for Dora and Boots to help them get down the snowy hill. Backpack had a snowboard. Dora & Boots get on the snowboard and put their helmets on for safety. They got going and then saw that some snow has melted up ahead revealing rocks. Dora & Boots had to jump in sync over the rocks. They had to jump in sync 3 times. After making it down the hill, they reach the tower. Snow Princess was glad to see Snow Fairy found her. All they had to do is save Sabrina from the tower. But they had to activate a switch on the other side of the moat. Snow Fairy had to do it but he's still melted and is afraid he won't make it. Dora & Boots help Snow Fairy flap his wings. Crocodiles poke their heads out. Dora, Boots and the viewer help Snow Fairy flap his wings so he can get to the switch. Snow Fairy makes it to the switch. He pushes it down to lower a drawbridge. Dora & Boots enter the tower and run upstairs and come up to a door where the Snow Princess was waiting. Snow Fairy had to get the Snow Princess to smile into the crystal. Snow Princess tells him that it won't work for her now. Snow Princess tells Snow Fairy that the witch put her under a spell and she can't smile. Dora had a thought on the part where Boots thought Sabrina looked like Dora. So Dora thought she and Snow Princess could switch clothes and then the witch will show the crystal to Dora and then Dora would smile into the crystal and make it snow. Snow Princess thought it was a great idea. But then, Dora looked worried and thought maybe the crystal won't work for her. Snow Princess told Dora that the crystal didn't work because she was a princess; it worked for someone who was kind and brave and that what matched Dora's description. The witch coming with the crystal. Snow Princess told Dora that they didn't have time to switch clothes. Snow Fairy helps out by turning Dora into a snow princess. Dora was dressed just like the snow princess. Snow Fairy, Boots and Snow Princess waited nearby and will be listening carefully. Dora sits on the chair and closes her eyes. The witch comes into the tower and thinks she was talking to the Snow Princess. Dora speaks out and that she can smile into the crystal. The witch was perplexed and then realized that who the Witch was talking to was Dora. She and the viewer smiled into the magic crystal to break the spell. The icy wind started to howl snowy forest turned snowy again. The witch tired waving her wand and was most surprised. Dora broke the witch's spell. Snow dumps onto the witch and had to get away from the snow. The witch flies out of the tower and looks at her wand. The witch's wand gets broken as it freezes and breaks into pieces. "All my powers are goooooooone...!" she said. Then, Boots heard that the snow took away the witch's powers and it was no wonder the witch hated snow so much. Snow Princess said the witch will never bother them again and now they had to get out of the tower because it was starting to disappear. Dora, Boots, Snow Princess and Snow Fairy hurried down the spiral stairwell until at last they got out of the tower just in time and the tower completely disappeared. Dora, Boots, Snow Princess and Snow Fairy sang the tune about how Dora & Boots were the heroes of the snowy forest. After the tune, Snow Princess had an announcement to make. She was going to hand out medals. Before that, Boots wished he had some fancy clothes like Dora. So, Snow Fairy gives Boots a fancy tuxedo and Dora a lovely new dress. Now, it was time to hand out the medals. Boots gets his medal first, Dora went second and then Snow Fairy went third. Snow Princess even had a medal for the viewer. They all bowed their heads to get their medals. After that, Snow Princess had a favor to ask for Dora. Snow Princess decided to pass the crystal to someone who can use it for good deeds. Dora wasn't so sure. Snow Princess begs Dora for a good reason because the crystal is so powerful and needs to be taken care of. Snow Princess reminds Dora that the crystal works for anyone who is brave and kind and for other good deeds. Dora understood and will take good care of it. (During the We Did It! Song Benny, Isa and Tico rejoined Dora and Boots)

Places in this episode

  1. Icy Ocean
  2. Snow Hills
  3. Cave
  4. High Tower (referred to as "Tower" or "Princess")


  • World of Snow
  • Gotta Travel Song
  • Argh
  • World of Snow (Reprise)

Items in Backpack (clockwise from top right)

  • Toothbrush
  • Pogo stick
  • Pickle
  • Teddy bear (not Osito)
  • Crayon box
  • Snowboard (correct item)


  • This is the first episode not to feature the Dora the Explorer Theme Song at the beginning.
  • This is the first double-length episode where the characters jump into the book.
  • Dora wore a crystal necklace and will wear the crystal necklace again throughout "Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom" and "Dora's Big Birthday Adventure", the later revealing it's the Wishing Wizzle's wishing crystal.
  • This was the fifth time the extended version of We Did It was used. The other four were "Dora's Pirate Adventure", "Dora's Dance to the Rescue", "Dora's World Adventure", and "Dora Saves the Mermaids".
  • It is unknown how Swiper, the Fiesta Trio, the Pirate Pig, and the Pirate Piggies got into the book.
    • However, this is the sixth time Swiper and the Fiesta Trio somehow got into a book, the first being "Dora Saves the Prince".
  • This episode seems similar to the Season 1 episode "Dora Saves the Prince" (almost like a double-length remake), but this episode is about saving a snow princess from a tower.
  • This is the first episode of the Storybook Trilogy.
  • Map's dancing is recycled from "Big Sister Dora" and the previous episode.
  • Sabrina said she cannot smile because of being under the witch's spell but as soon as Dora turns into an impersonation of the snow princess, she is smiling when she is hugging Dora for some unknown reason even though she just said she cannot.
  • Both Dora and Sabrina are like twins and they look like each other too and have the same skin color.
    • The difference between Dora and Snow Princess are the eyes, hair, and age.
  • This episode doesn't feature the end credits showing 4 clouds with clips of Dora and Boots with their friends from episodes from seasons 1-4, it instead shows promotional artwork of Dora as an impersonation of the snow princess.
    • However, the instrumental version of the main theme song introduced from Season 3 is still heard during the end credits.
  • Dora and Boots don't sing the original Travel Song in this episode, they instead sing the Gotta Travel Song.
  • This is the last episode, as well as the only episode of the season, where Map zoom wipes immediately after he finished repeating the places.
  • This is the 19th instance where Dora and Boots returned to where they came from after reaching the final place on the map.
  • The scene where Dora and her friends fly the flying horses close to the end of "We Did it!" is seen in the Season 5 Intro, but it's mirrored.
  • This is the second double-length episode where Swiper has a short role, first being "Dora's Pirate Adventure".
    • Though Swiper appears as a minor antagonist, his role as the main antagonist is still overtaken by the Witch.
  • This is the second episode to feature the High Tower (although it's a different tower).
  • Snowfairy catches up with Dora and Boots off-screen after they cross the icy ocean.
  • Treehouse normally airs this episode during December.
  • This episode was first released on DVD during one of the release dates of the Trivium album, "Shogun", which "Shogun" was released between September 24th to October 1st, and it just so happens to be released on September 30th, part of the release dates of the album.


  • As soon as Dora, Boots, Isa, Benny and Tico jump in the book, they're wearing their winter clothes but when Swiper somehow jumps in the book, he's not wearing any snow clothes.
    • As a monkey, bull, iguana, and squirrel, Boots, Benny, Isa, and Tico do not need to wear winter clothes (although here it does not apply due to cartoon logic). In real life, their fur can keep them warm, so Dora should have been the only one wearing winter clothes.
  • The witch casts a spell on Sabrina rendering her unable to smile; however, she smiled briefly after the Snow Fairy changes Dora's clothes to look like her.

Older Episode Reference

  • The scene where the witch (later known as La Bruja) says "My powers are gooooooooone!" is a reference to "Dora's Fairytale Adventure", where the Witch of Fairytale Land says the same thing when her powers were gone.
    • Unlike the aforementioned episode, the witch's wand actually breaks apart and neither it nor her broom are anthropomorphic.



Dora The Explorer - Dora Saves The Snow Princess (Theme Song)


Dora saves the snow princess theme song 2008

Dora the Explorer Season 5
First Day of School | The Backpack Parade | Benny's Big Race | Isa's Unicorn Flowers | Dora's Jack-in-the-Box | Bark, Bark to Play Park | Dora Saves the Snow Princess | The Mayan Adventure | Bouncy Boots | The Big Red Chicken's Magic Show | Dora Saves Three Kings Day | Benny's Treasure | Dora Saves the Three Little Pigs | Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom | The Super Babies Dream Adventure | Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure | Dora Helps the Birthday Wizzle | Pirate Treasure Hunt | Boots' Banana Wish | Dora's Big Birthday Adventure

Dora Saves Snow Princess the Angry Birds Movie Baby Birds


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